Ok so I am going to try to blog at least once a week about what is going on, what I am learning, what I am thankful for and such.
This week August 19:
Our dear sweet friend went home with the Lord on Sunday. She was a patient of mine who became a friend. From the moment I met her I could just sense her sweet, gentle spirit. She has such a kind and gentle smile and she always spoke with such a gentle tone. She worked so hard in therapy. She was definitely the kind of patient I love to have...hardworking, kind and gentle:) When it came time for her to leave the facility where I work, I asked her if I could come visit her. She was so sweet to allow the kids and I to visit her. We tried to go at least once a week or once every other week. I loved being able to take her whatever she needed. Sometimes it was toilet paper or paper towels, sometimes it was chapstick or fresh juiced carrot juice. We would take her lunch (she requested something healthy) and then sometimes we would swing by Sonic for happy hour and take her a slush too:). The Bible is so right when it talks about giving as being better than getting. It always did my heart glad to help her and I think that she loved seeing us too. Everybody won:) which is a rare occasion in the world today. When I heard the news of her passing peace just overtook my soul. I was so happy for her...no more suffering from stage 4 bone cancer and pneumonia, no more being lonely, no more depending on others to take you to the bathroom or help get you dressed, no more having to use a dirty bathroom or share a shower with someone you don't know, no more being stuck in a tiny room, tiny facility, no more being cold all the time...INSTEAD she is home forever with the joy of her faith being made sight. She is forever whole and forever healed!! Thank you God for our hope that is in YOU!
It was my joy and such a privilege to have any part is walking this sweet dear lady home. Thank you God for the opportunities you give us to love as you have loved us.
Also this week....Emmett is cruising on all the furniture...he is such a busy and happy boy. He is eating table food now for about 3 weeks...one day just refused to eat any more baby food so here we go. He has 2 teeth now on the bottom. He weighs 24 lbs and 14 oz... only a few more ounces til we can officially call him our quarter pounder:) He is trying to say "Uh-oh" and claps when we sing or celebrate anything. He wants to do whatever big sister is doing and has become very opinionated about everything (especially when sister takes a toy)
Emory is talking talking talking...so cute...she has started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and tries to sing all songs on TV or the radio or any song I try to sing...so sweet...she gets the words right every now and then and belts out the ones she knows. We are working on potty training..she is motivated by gum gum gum (she LOVEs gum) and m ms (m&ms). I bought some minis and try to reward her for sitting on the potty or tee teeing in the potty. So far today she has dripped in the potty once and peed on the floor twice.. hummm..this is going to be interesting.
We are meeting with the Mullinexs tonight to get our house on the market. We are praying for wisdom in the process and for God to bring a buyer soon and very soon. Our budget really can't take much more of this. I am so thankful for how the Lord has worked in mine and Jonathan's hearts just to abolish our pride and what we once felt was important. God is transforming us to help us see what He values and is really helping us to see the things of TRUE importance in this life..It is not more space or more stuff. It is more meaningful relationships and knowing God more and more each day. It is giving thanks is each and every moment and slowing down to listen to God and treasure each moment. Each moment is a gift. I don't want to ever be in such a hurry that I don't see that.
I am so thankful for friends like Marissa, Amanda, and Micah, Nan, Annie and Jennifer
I am thankful for God's work in helping baby RuthAnn and baby TJ to grow and heal from pre-mature births
I am thankful for Perrin being born safely and praying for Nan and Brad as they enter into parenthood
I am praying for our house to sell, for Michele and Jon's house to sell, for the buying of the next house, for Noelle as she goes to school and for JS and Melissa as they homeschool.
I am thankful for my sweet sister Melissa and our daily conversations. I am so thankful for her help in homeschool stuff and for so many that are helping to point me in the right direction (Jen Rucker, Lisa Lacy, Melissa, Ruth, Amanda)
I am thankful that THE ZONE starts back this week:) such an honor to be a part of it:)
I am thankful that I get to help Host in Gear Up and help to lead worship in the worship center this Sunday...humbled and honored for both opportunities
I am praying for Ashley Solesedo (girl I met at the park a couple weeks ago).I hope she will get involved in church somewhere or maybe BSF?
Read James 3 this morning. Lord please help me not to covet and be slow to speak and slow to get angry
Thankful that my father in law is better and praying for continued healing for him and for answers from the dr. as to why he is still having some nausea.
thats all for now..:)
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